Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Check out that handsome boy!  Drew started Kindergarten on July 30th - we are on a year round calendar here.  I'm so behind on blogs that as I post this, Drew is enjoying his first week of a three week track out.  The first quarter flew by!  He truly loves school, always sharing fun stories and raving about the "specials" (called electives when I was in school).  His favorite is library which tickles me because I was certain it would be P.E.  He loves that too and all the others.  A cute story on specials - the third day of school he was telling me about his day and I asked what special he went to.  He replied, "It's too hard to explain Mom."  When I pressed him, he said it again with an annoyed tone, "Mom, if I could explain it I would but I can't."  Well, come to find out it was "Counseling."  Had to hand that one to Drew - how does a five year old explain counseling?  Sounds like the counselor meets with the whole class and discusses topics like bullying and safety.  George and I are pretty impressed with what Drew learned in the first quarter.  He is writing quite a bit and loves it.  I don't always recognize the words since they write phonetically but he is quick to bring me up to speed.  He's doing some cool math work and projects too.  A favorite was our family tree.  I went to the first quarter conference with his teacher last week and all is well.  I was kind of nervous to go!  Like all parents, I want to hear good things so I was anxious to find out how Drew is doing.  Ms. Shaffer said he is right on track and is a "joy to have in class."  He chats with his friends a little too much but hey, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree so what can I expect. 

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