Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Loooooong Weekend

Our weekend started off so good! My dear cousin Jamie flew in from Memphis to visit us and the Watson's. I have been looking forward to her arrival for so long! She's so amazing with kids and Drew loved her instantly. We enjoyed a yummy dinner and lots of cookies on Friday night and then hung out and had a good time chatting and catching up. On Saturday we went to my sister's house and had fun playing with Drew and Whitley. Jamie stayed the night with Cristie on Saturday night and we had plans to get together right away on Sunday. Unfortunately, Sunday ended up being a terrible day. George and I are expecting another baby and I started bleeding on Sunday morning. The on-call doctor instructed me to go to the emergency room to check on the baby. After a few miserable hours we found out that Baby Davis's heart was still beating strongly! What a relief! So, that wasn't how we planned on letting family and friends know I was pregnant but we are thrilled to share the news that I'm about 12 weeks along and due August 9th. Our wonderful neighbor, Sharma, watched Drew on Sunday morning until Cristie and Jamie could get there to take over. We were so happy to get home and see Drew, Jamie, Cristie and Whitley! Jamie and Cristie were very helpful and did everything for Drew that evening. What a sister and cousin! Then on Monday we had to say farewell so sweet Jamie and CC came to the rescue like she always does! The Doctor recommended rest so CC came to help me with Drew and because she was worried about us. I was supposed to see my regular physician as soon as possible but Monday was MLK day and Tuesday we woke up to snow! What luck! Pretty much the entire area shut down, including the medical office, so we had to wait one more day to check on Baby Davis again. It wasn't easy! I'm sure everyone but us was thrilled with the extended weekend. The office had a delayed opening Wednesday due to icy roads but got me in as soon as they opened. Another ultrasound showed a movin' and grovin' baby! They can't explain the blood and we all hope it was just a scare, not that we needed one in order to worry! I don't have to be on bed rest or anything extreme like that but I will be taking it easy. Please keep Baby Davis in your thoughts and prayers; we want nothing more than a baby brother or sister for Drew! Thanks to Jamie, Cristie, Sharma and CC for all of your help! Love you!
Drew shares his Cars chair with Jamie, I knew he loved her because he doesn't share his chair with many!
Sweet, sweet, sweet Jamie!!!

Drew with the baby stroller and Whitley with the princess car. On your mark, get set, go!!! They ran around the house and chased each other for quite some time!

Big kiss!
Drew checks out the snow first thing in the morning.

Getting ready to go play outside with CC and George. We had to borrow boots from the girls next door!
Drew and his pals next door. They enjoy our makeshift sled, the top to a sandbox :)

Drew kisses CC!
"CC's turn," as Drew says.
Drew enjoying his first of two ice creams at Jason's Deli! He was shaking from the cold and got two brain freezes but that didn't stop him from saying "More cream?"

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