Sunday, August 29, 2010

Still Summer...

Summer continues! I'm not complaining but the last month or so has gone by kind of slow. The boys and I stay plenty busy but I am looking forward to preschool starting so we can get back into a routine. Drew has had some play dates and he has soccer on Fridays. There have been some cooler days so we've been playing outside a bit too. David still naps twice a day and he eats a ton so I feel like much of his day is spent in the bed or high chair! When he's hungry, he goes to the fridge, opens it and starts grabbing whatever is in his reach. George and I have stepped up our training for an upcoming sprint triathlon so that is keeping us busy too. I'm actually doing a relay with a friend so I only have to do the bike and run. My swimming is pathetic so I am happy not to do that portion. Maybe next year. Speaking of swimming, Drew started jumping off of the diving board and going down the water slide at the pool! You have to be able to swim to the side of the pool in order to do it so we are very proud of him! He is beyond thrilled and went down the slide at least 20 times on Friday night. He has to climb a ton of stairs to get to the top so you can imagine how wiped he is after that! David loves to watch Drew come down the slide and is content to wait, smile and flap his arms with excitement!
My cuties having fun together!
Drew and some of his friends watching a movie. Blake and Katelyn looked at the camera but Peter and Drew smiled without taking their eyes off of Monsters Inc.

It was Leslie's birthday so we made cupcakes and surprised her when she came to pick up Peter. It was really fun and the kids loved an impromptu party!

This cracked me up! David loves to dig through my purse and does it multiple times a day. He usually has a blast destroying my coupon book but this time he decided to write a check. I can't remember the last time I even used a check so I'm not sure how he knew about it!

Whitley came over during Cristie and Tom's school open house. The kids had fun playing, coloring and watching a movie.

Drew spent hours playing with this box. He took it from his closet and asked me for some "decorations." He used stickers, markers, crayons, stamps, return address labels, posters, and tape, tape, tape. When I asked him to smile he just stuck his tongue out. Ridiculous!

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