Thursday, September 8, 2011

School has Started!

Preschool is back in session! I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited. We had a fantastic summer but the last couple of weeks got to us all. Vacations were over, company came and went, museums were toured and our interest in the pool and park faded big time. Drew is going to school Monday thru Thursday mornings and little David is going on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Yep, David is in the 2 year old class at preschool! He is by far the youngest since he turned two on August 10th and the cutoff is August 31st. I kind of felt guilty when we went to the open house last week and he was smaller and younger than the rest of the kids. One of his classmates turned three this week and many of the others will turn three this Fall. I told myself that it's worth a try and I can always pull him out if things don't go well. So far it doesn't look like that will be necessary! He did fabulous both days this week! We are so proud of him! No tears for David. Can't say the same for George though, he teared up when David went in his classroom :( I asked George to go with me in case there was a problem with one of the boys. Everything went so smoothly all week. Drew really likes his teacher and described her as "nicer than the whole world!" His classroom is really neat. We are looking forward to a great year! Did I enjoy my two mornings alone this week? You bet! It did feel a little lonely and I couldn't wait to get to carpool but it was great to run errands and get some things done. Oh, one funny thing I want to share. I asked Drew if he saw David at school and this is what he said. "Yes, they were coming in from playing outside and were walking in a line. David's teacher asked David to get in line Mama but guess what, he didn't! Then I heard her ask him again but he didn't do it Mama. I told her it's okay cause he doesn't know any better." A line? Uh, that's one David's going to have to learn. It's strange to pick David up from school and not be able to discuss his day very much. He will answer a few questions but for the most part I have to assume if I wasn't called to pick him up that he must have done alright. I've gotten used to picking up Drew and hearing every small detail. Today he informed me that Owen, a boy from his class last year but not his class this year is leaving for Disney tomorrow. Maybe Drew can be my little spy for David for the time being :) Here's quite a few pictures from the first day! They are pretty much all the same but I couldn't resist their darling and excited little faces...

"Me bag for me school."

So excited!

Drew outside of his classroom.

I wasn't able to get one of David outside of his classroom because he just strolled right in and went to the play mat!

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