Tuesday, December 20, 2011


We celebrated "Thanksmas" over the weekend at my Aunt Betty and Uncle Mike's house in New Castle, VA. Their daughter and son-in-saw, Jenny and Nick, were in town from Seattle for a holiday visit. They termed the occasion "Thanksmas" since we all got together between Thanksgiving and Christmas to celebrate the holidays. We sure had a great time! Drew and I went along with CC, Day Day and Cristie. Since we were just going for the day and it's about 3 1/2 hours away we decided to take only one car. George stayed home with David cause we thought the car ride would be too much for the little guy (he's not the biggest fan!). Drew on the other hand stayed busy talking to us, watching movies and playing Angry Birds on CC's phone (I refuse to put it on my phone in fear he would beg to play it constantly). Aunt Betty had yummy food, lots of drinks (maybe too many for some people reading this??? Not me, I drove us home!) and games. We all had a blast and enjoyed lots of laughs!

Aunt Betty, Mom and T when we first arrived.
Most of the crew outside of the new cabin Uncle Mike built. He is so talented!

Drew thought the cabin was his own personal playhouse. Here he is in the loft :)

"The mule." So fun to ride around in around their property. Not that I actually rode in it myself! Drew was first to get in every time and somehow Day Day always managed to squeeze in too!

Drew took full advantage of being the only kid there (Whitley didn't join us on the trip because Tom's parents were in town). I was beginning to think Drew continued to run back to the cabin just to see who would race after him and bring him back. This time it was Aunt Cristie AND Mel Mel!

The guys. Drew loved being in that photo!

The cousins from oldest on the left to youngest on the right.

Uncle Mike built an incredible tree house! I wish I had a picture looking up at it. Wonder if it would make you as queasy looking at the picture as it does seeing it in person. Holy cow, it must be the tallest tree house ever built! It has three levels. Here's Drew going up just a few steps.

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