Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Father's Day

We got to see my parents for Father's Day because sweet Day Day called and said all he wanted for Father's Day was to see his Grands. So, they got in the car and came our way. Another joy of living less than three hours away. We love it! It was a short visit but packed with fun. We had a nice Father's Day brunch at Prestonwood and then went to the pool. I wish I had a video of Daddy coming down the slide! Better yet, I wish we had a video of us watching Daddy come down the slide. Gosh, we laughed so hard it hurt. It's one of those twirly water slides with high sides but open at the top. Daddy moved at a snails' pace, I mean it, all the way down the slide. We kept thinking he would speed up but it never happened. All we could see was the top of his head coming around the turns and we laughed harder and harder as he slooooowly made his way down. Of course, Dad being Dad, he walked over and joked with the boys about how he was flying down the slide. Mom and I are still laughing about it. Guess the buffet slowed him down. We had such a great day celebrating two great Dad's! Love you George and Daddy!!!

Here's a couple of pictures from Father's Day and a couple of random ones from the days just after as well.

I tried to get a good picture of the guys before
brunch but no such luck.  David was in a
face-making mood...

David at a birthday party.

I love this picture of David and Ben.  Ben is Kristen and Jim's
son and he loves his lovey as much as David loves his.  We were at
their house for dinner and instead of playing with their older
brothers, these two snuggled up on the porch with their lovies. 

George and Jim took the boys to Durham's Life and Science
Museum one day when the Children's Campus was closed but
Kristen and I were working.  Between the two Dads, this
was the only picture taken.  I guess they had their hands
full with the four boys. 

T-ball came to an end in June.  We celebrated with an ice cream
party where each player got a trophy and certificate.  Drew
was given the "Most improved fielder" award. Hmmm.  I remember
getting a Most Improved award growing up and I wasn't really sure
whether to be proud of it or not.  Does it mean you ended up
being pretty decent or does it mean you started out so terrible that
there was only room for improvement?  Either way, Drew was proud
of it and he liked t-ball a lot. 

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