Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Very Merry Christmas!

Our family had a very Merry Christmas with Judy, my parents and the Watson's in Myrtle Beach. Drew was spoiled with many, many gifts. He started opening them the first day we arrived and there were still plenty by the time Christmas day rolled around. We enjoyed spending time with family and filled our days playing games, taking walks, eating, watching Finding Nemo (Drew's new fav!) and playing with Drew and Whitley and their new toys. Drew was so thrilled to be with all three of his grandparents and the Watson's and frequently took a roll call to make sure everyone was present. He would say "CC? Day Day? Me Maw? (his name for Grandma), Mama? Dada? Dom? (Tom), a botched version of Cristie that I can't even begin how to spell and Baby? (Whitley)" When he confirmed everyone was there he would say "Yes!!!!" and display the biggest grin! It was so darn sweet! He acted like a true two year old with the presents though and thought they were all his. He said "No, mine." so many times that Whitley was saying it by the end of the trip! We all agreed that as wonderful as it was to watch Whitley and Drew enjoy Christmas that next year will be even better as they grow to enjoy it more and more! I'm looking forward to it already! I hope you and yours had a memorable holiday season! Drew and Day Day take a long ride in a golf cart. Drew kept saying "Faster, faster Day Day!"

Drew taking a quick rest at the beach.

In awe of the hundreds of seagulls.

Drew took two of his new trucks to the beach to play.

Drew and Whitley help me open a present.

Drew helps Grandma open one of hers.

Day Day sneaks Drew another ice cream sandwich. He lived off of those things
on our trip. Guess that's what vacation is all about! He would open the freezer and say "More cream?" Nobody could resist his darling voice!

Drew gets a Diego tricycle!

Drew needs another car don't you think?

Drew and Whitley work through the many, many presents!

We watch Finding Nemo again! This time we watched it on the travel DVD player so everyone wouldn't have to see it for the 47th time, the babies didn't seem to care.

Drew is his darling new pj's!

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