Sunday, January 17, 2010

Little Kickers, B-day Party and More Fun!

The news on this blog is actually a week or so old. I'm trying to recall all that we did! Drew started Little Kickers, a soccer club for 3-4 year olds. He is really enjoying it! I enjoy it too since a couple of his friends are in the same class and us Moms chat on the sideline. The class is more structured that I thought it would and the kids are learning some great skills. Right now Drew is still in outer space part of the time and doesn't always listen to the coach but he has a huge smile on his face and is trying really hard. It's cute to watch! He's the youngest in the class so hopefully he'll learn some things from the older boys. Drew's swimming lessons are still going on twice a week and he is continuing to have a ball! George takes him to class and says he's really improving. I can't wait to go and see all that he's learned! Drew's best buddy, Preston, had his 3rd birthday party at the North Carolina Museum of Life & Science last Saturday and it was a blast! The kids got to touch a bunny, bird and turtle. They also did some fun crafts and got to tour the museum. I somehow became the official birthday party chauffer so George stayed home with David during the party. David loves to play and spend time in his jumper so I try not to drag him out for Drew's activities if I can help it. We went to dinner with some friends one night, I went to a really fun girls night and the boys and I went to Cristie's one day to play. I think that was about it for the week!

Our friend Sharon holding David during dinner. This was taken seconds before he spit up on her black sweater.

Aunt Cristie holds David who fell asleep while being burped.

Drew in a tree house at the NC Museum of Life and Science.

Preston's birthday party! Drew had a blast at the party and sings Happy Birthday so well. He can actually carry a tune, unlike his parents!

Drew listening to coach Keith at Little Kickers.

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