Thursday, May 13, 2010

9 Months Already!

Sweet baby David is 9 months old already! Boo hoo! I took him in for his check-up on Monday and he was very popular! The receptionist hollered, "Lord, Jesus!" when we walked in and I turned around to see what in the world was going on. Then she said, "Look at those dimples!" and I realized she was smitten with my sweetie. David is doing great, mastering all of the little things a 9 month old should. He's definitely on the move and is pretty fast - especially when he sees an electrical outlet or any other dangerous object. I am in for it! He says Mama and Dada as well as lots of other sounds. He pulls up to his knees easily and can get to standing as well with a little more effort. He was standing in his crib after a nap the other day so we had to lower the crib again. George just took it down a notch a few weeks ago and we all know what a pain in the rear it is to lower those cribs so we went ahead and put it on the lowest setting. David is loving food and hasn't tasted anything yet that he didn't want more of! He is happy as can be in his high chair with a snack-filled tray. With all of that eating, it's surprising that he's such a little pip-squeak! His growth curve looks good, he's just on the smaller side. He's not even 20 pounds yet, weighing in at 19lb 12oz. He's 27 1/2" long. We're not used to a baby in the 35th percentile since Drew has always been off the charts. David is just as perfect as can be though and continues to bring us so much joy! Here's a couple of pics of my 9 month old sweetie...

Bailey loves to kiss David and David doesn't seem to mind.

Coming for the camera!

1 comment:

  1. Stacy - David is your twin!! He is so precious. I love reading your blog. Please keep the posts coming. I check it regularly! ;)
    Miss you!
    Love, Ceci


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