Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Mother's Day to Remember!

First off, happy Mother's Day to all of the Mom's out there! A special Mother's Day thank you to my Mom, who continues to be the best there is! Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful Mother-in-law, aunts, sister and friends! My Mother's Day has been wonderful! It's actually been more of a Mother's Week since Drew's school celebrated on Thursday with a very special tea. All of us Mom's sat in the classroom with the kids in line at the front. I knew from conversations with Drew that the music teacher was working with them on a Mother's Day song. Much to my satisfaction, there were three darling songs! After each song, Drew ran to me with open arms and gave me a huge hug and kiss. I was beyond proud of him but the best part of the day was that he was so proud of me! I hope I never forget the look on his face when I walked in. He stared at me the entire program with a huge grin. Afterward, he sat in my lap and stroked my arm, giving me several kisses. The kids had decorated trays earlier in the week and then served us lunch on them. They also gave us flowers. Another highlight was the "Mom questionnaire" that the teachers did with the kids. Drew's teacher read aloud a list of questions and answers and we had to guess which answers belonged to our child. It was hysterical!!! Drew's were pretty darn accurate! I have brown eyes and black hair. I am 3 years old (okay, not accurate at all but it was sweet). My favorite food is salad. Drew knows I love him because I hug him :) I was pretty proud of Drew considering one of the Mom's had pink eyes and pink hair. Another Mom's favorite food is "Uhhhh, I don't know."

We had a very busy weekend! We all went to a birthday party Friday evening for Zoe who turned five. Drew was quite busy in the bounce house and has had endless fun with the water shooter party favor. I worked a little bit on Saturday and then went to the hospital to visit my Uncle Mark and also to meet Avery, my friend Sharon's new baby girl. Today has been a fantastic day! I opened my eyes this morning to see George and the boys smiling 6 inches from my face! They had presents for me which Drew had to immediately tell me about. It was torture for him to shop with Daddy and not be able to tell me what was purchased! We played outside for a bit in the morning before going on a long bike ride and picnic. Then we all took an afternoon nap, some of us longer than hours (two hours for me!) before going back out to fly Drew's new kite. Then as one last treat on Mother's Day, we had ice cream sundaes for dinner!!! Thank you to George and the boys for such a special day! I love you!

Drew and his classmates get ready to sing the first song.
Drew serving me lunch at the Mother's Day tea.
Burning up at Drew's swim lesson.
Baby Avery Lynn!!! So precious!
May I have my snacks back? Drew said he was helping David but I could tell Drew "helped" by eating them himself because the tub was empty when we got home. Drew does do a great job of entertaining David in the bike trailer though and when David got fussy close to home Drew was very sweet and patient.

Drew is getting good at riding his bike!
David hanging out in the minivan while George and Drew flew a kite.

Drew was having a ball with his new shark kite. George got major points for this because the wind we were seeking stopped the minute we got ready to fly the kite. Drew still wanted to do it of course so George ran up and down the street with Drew in tow. It looked pretty exhausting.

Here's a couple of videos of Drew singing at the Mother's Day tea!!!

1 comment:

  1. OK, I have tears in my eyes and am smiling from ear to ear after those adorable songs sung by Drew and his classmates. How very very sweet and precious. Love, Barb & Rog


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