Monday, July 19, 2010

Happy Camper

Drew waiting for his ride to kindercamp.

Drew spent each morning last week at the YMCA's kindercamp. He was a happy camper but turns out that I was an even happier camper. As much as I love my Drewby and enjoy his company, it was a treat to have him in camp every morning all week. It gave David and I lots of time together. I was so excited to pick Drew up each day and hear about all of the fun time he had at camp, usually stories of the pool, doing crafts or playing with toys. Camp was a lot less structured than pre-school which was great because he had to do a little more for himself. We were instructed to send the kids to camp in bathing suits because the first part of the day was spent at the pool. Then the kids change into regular clothes for the remainder of the day. On Monday he came home with his underwear on backwards and on Tuesday he came home with them inside out. I know he can dress himself but I assist too much so the independence of camp was good for him. By Wednesday all was well in the dress department! His favorite part of camp was "the guys." I figured out by Tuesday afternoon that "the guys" he was referring to were the male college camp counselors. He thought they were so cool and pointed out his favorite buddy to me. Cute! The parents were invited to camp on Friday for snacks and crafts. The campers put on a little show of the chants, songs and dances they learned during the week. Here's a video of one...

Drew and his group doing their end of day cheer on Friday. He is wearing the reward cap that they gave each camper. The kids earned flair for the cap with good behavior. Drew had 5 so he either behaved much better at camp than he does at home or each kid got one every day no matter what ;)

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