Saturday, May 7, 2011

Behind on Blogging (Big Time!)

I can't seem to keep up with doing blogs lately. I think it's due partly to the fact that I traded in my dinosaur for an i-phone a few weeks ago so I'm not on the computer at home near as much. It's amazing how much you can do from a phone! I know, you readers that have had smart phones for years are just laughing at me. The boys also keep me super busy of course but other than that I'm just making excuses and vow to post more often! The rest of April was wonderful and May is off to a good start. We have finally had some gorgeous weather! Not hot or cold, not humid, but just perfect! After monthly winter heat bills that crept over $300 it is so nice to go without heat or A/C, at least if only for a short while. We have been playing outside so much, especially now that we have daylight till 8:30pm. We love to eat dinner and then roam the neighborhood "looking for friends" as Drew calls it. We usually do run into somebody and the boys play a bit more before baths and bed. I was lucky enough to go on another girls weekend in April. This one was with my best friend Angel. We met in Charleston and had such a fantastic weekend!!! It was my first time there and I loved it! The weather was perfect which was great since we did so much walking. We filled our days shopping (well, more like browsing but that's just as fun), eating (such good food, yum!) and chatting non-stop. Seriously, I don't think there was a second of silence the whole weekend. Angel and I chat on the phone pretty frequently but it's hard to really have a conversation with kids making noise in the background. It was awesome to spend time together just the two of us and really be able to catch up. We had a great Easter weekend at home. We went to an egg hunt at Prestonwood on Saturday and then went to the Gunderson's on Easter Sunday. Here's some pictures from the past few weeks...

Angel and I posing with the "best friends" sign in Charleston. So touristy but so fun!!
Crazy picture I know. But there is a story to it. We were at Prestonwood for an Easter egg hunt and George was trying to take a picture of the boys and I with the Easter bunny. Not one, not two but THREE people walked between the camera and us. This is just one of the pictures he got! It was ridiculous. I started laughing so hard that I couldn't stop. I was bending down for the photo and thought I was going to fall I was laughing so hard.

Finally got a picture. Poor David isn't even in it because I couldn't balance and lean due to laughter! See the guy in the upper left corner? Yep, same guy! How's that cookie?


David was a hoot during the hunt! He was out there with kids ages 1-4 but wasn't the least bit scared. They are strict about the "no-parents" rule so I didn't think he would leave me to hunt eggs. I was wrong :)

Easter morning! The boys loved their goodies. David found a Hershey's kiss and is holding it out saying, "Choc choc."

Sweet Mae Mae had the Watson's and our fam over on Easter Sunday. I tried to get a picture of the three kids...forget it!!! Here they are with their eyes closed! What are the chances?

David is heading for his basket. Guess he didn't want to be the only one without a basket.

Back with the basket but still strike three.

Drew gives Mel a hug after they hunt eggs.

Mae Mae got the kids some Easter books. David snuggled with her for a bit and read his. Thanks for a wonderful Easter lunch Gundies! The meal was out of this world and the company was wonderful as always! We love you!

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