Monday, May 14, 2012


Drew started t-ball a couple of weeks ago and he's into it!  We don't expect him to be the next Babe Ruth but he's having a ball and that's what counts.  I will admit that I forgot it's all in fun and had to be reminded by my parents at a game this weekend.  When Drew had a decent hit and then got out because he watched the ball instead of running to the base, I got pretty frustrated.  We all laughed when Dad looked at me and said "You have room to talk, you were a terrible softball player!"  Ha ha!  I looked at Mom to defend me and she completely agreed saying, "Oh, poor baby, you were awful.  You never paid any attention.  And you were in 4th grade, Drew is only five."  Guess that put me in my place!  

He's still having a blast with soccer too.  His last game is this weekend and I have to say I'm a tad relieved.  We've had soccer and t-ball on Saturdays the last few weeks and it's been hectic.  It was pretty comical two weekends ago when we had to go straight to t-ball from soccer and George was out of town.  I thought I was so organized and had everything packed.  We rushed to the car after soccer, Drew quickly changed into his t-ball uniform (shin guards off and a cleat-change - not fun!) and we rushed across town to the t-ball fields.  We scurried to the dugout and then Drew asked me to hand him his glove.  Oops.  I had forgotten it. What's a t-ball player without a baseball glove?  I felt so incompetent.  Luckily, there was an extra glove and he joined the game.  As I was working on that minor crisis, David fell and cut his hand.  So, he spent the rest of the game whimpering on my shoulder.  Good times! 

Here's a few pictures of our little slugger. 

He couldn't wait to try on the uniform!

Drew was the first batter at the first game.  I was
so nervous!  Thankfully he hit the ball. 

Nice hit!

On base

Coming home for the first run for the Reds!

Ready in the outfield

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