Thursday, June 12, 2008

18 Month Check-up

Drew climbing into one of the chairs in the waiting room. He's got that down pat.
Deciding which chair to climb into next. Hmmm. Decisions, decisions. Waiting for the Doctor to arrive. Drew loved jumping up and down in the blue squares. He's holding a page of a book. He ripped it out when I turned around for two seconds to get a tissue.

Drew is 18 months old today and I really can't believe it. Where did the time go? I've been looking forward to his 18 month check-up for a couple of weeks. I was eager to ask the Doctor about Drew's recent picky eating habits and tantrums (although they aren't frequent, just one is enough to make me consider going back to work!). The good news and bad news? Drew's no different from any other child his age and I just have to deal with it. The doctor said some tots refuse to eat anything besides bread and hotdogs. I was reassured to hear that as long as Drew drinks plenty of milk and eats at least one good meal a day I don't have anything to worry about. Plus, his growth chart proves he's not hurting in the size department! He's 30 lbs and 34" tall so remained in the 90th percentile. When we arrived at the appointment he was pleased to get a Scooby Doo sticker and proceeded to test out all of the chairs in the waiting room. The wait time was only about 90 seconds but I'm pretty sure he made his way around to each and every chair! He sat very still during the exam and was super brave during shot time. I sang him the ABC's to distract him and then the red Crayola band aid made his day!

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