Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday, Monday

Yet another few days flew by around here. My Mom arrived Wednesday evening and Drew and I were waiting at the bottom of the escalator when she came down. He was thrilled to see her and ran to her with an energetic "CC!!!" When we got in the car he looked at her suitcase and said "This is CC's." I can't get enough of his talking, especially the sentences. It was a short visit with CC because she left Thursday morning for Myrtle Beach with her sisters. But she came back Saturday and watched Drew while George and I went to an engagement party. My Aunt Betty stayed the night as well and my cousin Stephen read to Drew before bedtime so it sounded like a wonderful night on the home front! George and I had a great time at the party and were spoiled not to have to worry about a babysitter. My Mom also kept the monitor Saturday night so we could sleep in Sunday morning. Whoo hoo! I wanted to visit with Aunt Betty before she left so didn't take much advantage of the sleeping but probably got an extra hour or so. Then Judy and her friend Jane arrived Sunday evening on their way back to Myrtle Beach from New Jersey. Everyone is gone now and today seemed boring after such a fun and busy weekend. Drew and I are going to Cristie's tomorrow to spend the day with CC and Whitley while Cristie and Tom are at school. Then George will meet us there after work and we're going to celebrate my birthday. Fun! Daddy arrives on Wednesday evening (can't wait!!!) and Whitley's 1st birthday party is Saturday. Looks like another busy week!
Here's a few recent photos...

Drew with his serious face. He is all business while driving his truck!

Drewby at the park. He will only play on the section built for older kids, he completely blows off the baby swings, baby slides and anything else designed for kids under 5.

Drew and his friends taking a break from playing for a few minutes of Shrek. We had some of the neighborhood crew over for dinner Friday night and set the kids up on the couch when it was the adults turn to eat. They sat just long enough for the Mom's to scarf down a few bites and then the rowdiness continued!

Drew and I making Halloween cookies. He fell off the stool just after the picture was taken. He was completely unharmed thank goodness, for him that was just a minor incident.

Drew loves saying "Please" now. It's pretty cute! I'm embarrassed that he is rewarded with a cheese puff. It looks kind of like a dog that speaks and gets a treat. Oh well. Drew has gotten really smart with using "please" and repeats it when I tell him no. For instance, he stands by the garage door saying it over and over in hopes that he can take the truck for a ride (for the 18th time that day!). He knows I'll cave because he's being so polite.

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