* David calls ketchup "French fry dip"
* David can't stand it when I am chatting with friends. He often gets in between me and the other person I'm speaking with, shakes his hands at each of us and says, "No more talking!" Not exactly the most polite thing but since he's so cute and has a sweet voice it comes across as funny!
* David is in a major "me" stage. An example of one of his sentences: "Me Mommy, me help, me slide." Everything is "me," rarely does he use "My" or "I." One of his favorite things to say is, "Me help." Like most two year olds, he wants to do everything himself so we hear "Me help" a lot!
* Drew and I were having a disagreement the other day and I finally said, "Drew, the bottom line is I'm the boss and I said no." He came right back with, "The top line is I still want to do it!"
* I often have to ask Drew numerous times to do something before he ever does it. I was frustrated recently and said (mostly to myself but definitely out loud), "Ugh, why do I always have to repeat myself when I ask you something but when you ask me to do something you want me to do it immediately?" He looked at me and said, "When I ask you to do something it's always fun Mom." Duh!
* We were at the pool when an older (and annoying!) kid starting asking Drew a lot of questions. She told Drew that she was smarter than him and then wanted to prove it. I tried to get Drew to just ignore her and do something else but he kept trying to answer her ridiculous questions. When she asked, "Do you know where karate originated?" Drew said, "Of course, at the karate store." It made me laugh :)
* Drew went out to dinner recently with our neighbors. When I went to their house to pick him up Xavier said, "Hey Stacy. Thanks for saving me $50." When I asked what he meant he said that after having dinner with Drew they no longer needed to see Captain America so I therefore saved him $50 in tickets and concessions :) Drew spent the entire dinner giving them the blow by blow. They honestly felt like they were at the theater. Beth said Drew was not only giving every detail of the plot but also described each outfit and acted out all action scenes with weapon sound effects. Sounds like Red Robin got quite the show! That's Drewby!
Obviously there are many, many more little stories but those were just a few that I can recall right now. Here's some random photos from August that didn't fall into any other blog posts...