Thursday, October 13, 2011

Birthday Fun!

Early October was filled with lots of birthday fun around here! Whitley and I both had birthdays and there was definitely lots of celebration! It started off with a tea for Whitley at the Carolina Inn hosted my Mae Mae. Wow, what a treat! We had a great girls day chatting, eating, enjoying delicious tea and celebrating Whitley's special day. The following weekend we all went to Myrtle Beach, along with CC & Day, and had birthday parties for Whit and I. Good times! The only thing better than cake is two cakes! Drew traveled to the beach early with CC and Day Day (David got to do it last time and we have to keep it fair!). He, Whitley, Cristie and Mom decorated the house, mailbox and door for my birthday. Drew and Whitley were proud of their work (Cristie too!) Judy had a nice dinner and cake for my birthday Friday night. On Saturday afternoon we celebrated Whitley's 4th birthday. She is really into Cars 2 so we had a Lightening McQueen birthday party. We also squeezed in lots of other fun that weekend including two great trips to the beach (it was a perfect 80 degrees!), a triathlon for George (more to come on that in another post), a trip to Ride Makerz for cars for the kiddos and lots of fun family time. It was an awesome weekend and I was so very happy to spend it with everyone. Cristie did a great blog from the weekend with much better pictures than mine, check it out if you can.

Tea with Melanie, Cristie, Whitley, Mae Mae and Judy Watson - Whitley's Grandma and another Judy :)
Happy birthday Whitley!

A special treat for the Grands. Me-Ma took the kids to Ride Makerz to make cars! It was a big hit! Poor David is pictured without pants. His pants were soaked when we arrived at the store and although I had three extra shirts in the car, I didn't have any spare pants. Honey badger doesn't care! For those of you that don't know it, yes, we refer to David as a honey badger and have been for months. The nickname is full of love, promise :) Happy kids showing off their new cars with Me-Ma!

Dad and daughters :) Bummed I don't have a photo with CC and Me-Ma.

Getting ready to start another game of Simon Says with Day Day. We all love this game when we get together. We just laugh and laugh! Dad makes it pretty tricky, even for the adults!

Darling little helpers.

Just ridiculous! David absolutely LOVES cake! He talks about cake all of the time, he even randomly brings up his Elmo cake from two months ago. He climbed on Judy's dining room table to get to the cake prior to dessert. When we moved it to her bar, we caught him climbing the stools to get to it again. Relentless!

"More cake!"

I was spoiled with gifts! Pandora charms from the Watson's, Judy, George and the boys!

Corduroy Toms from Mom and Dad! And a charm too.

Sweet Whitley getting ready for her McQueen party!

Drew enjoying the party favors.

We were prepared this go round! CC on standby for cleanup and no shirt for David.

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