Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Last week we piled in the minivan and headed South! It was quite a trip and I still can't believe we did it. George had work to do in MS and LA and agreed to let the boys and I tag along. We made four stops in five days so as you can imagine we spent a lot of time in the car! The boys were great during the long ride and we really took advantage of the minivan, filling every square inch with stuff and watching quite a few movies. Our first stop was the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta. We wanted to break up the long ride so decided to stretch our legs there. It was recommended by many and we sure enjoyed it. We ate at The Varsity, the largest drive-in in America, and filled up on hot dogs and onion rings before hitting the road for Hattiesburg, MS. In Hattiesburg, we enjoyed spending time with my Aunt Kim, Uncle Dreg and cousin Matty! It was great to see them and their beautiful new home. I especially loved hanging out with Matty while Uncle Dreg, Aunt Kim and George worked. It was two years since I last saw Matty, way too long! Here's pictures of the trip thus far...

The boys and I at the Georgia Aquarium.
Drew loved checking out the fish guide and pointing out the fish he recognized.

George was a great tour guide for Drew, pointing out all of the creatures he thought Drew would be impressed by and teaching him lots of new things.

Cousin Matty!!! He's so cute holding little David!

Uncle Dreg loves on David.

Aunt Kim's turn!

Uncle Dreg pulled out a box of Matty's old toys. Drew was in heaven! He picked a few favorites and stayed busy playing with them during our visit.

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