Bailey had a terrible, no good, very bad day! I think I've read Alexanders Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day one too many times! It's a funny little book though :) Back to the point, Bailey didn't have a good day today. George took her to the Vet this morning as a follow up to her back issues and got bad news after bad news. First off, she's overweight. The Vet said she needs to loose 2-3 pounds. That is a lot of weight for a miniature dachshund! It was clear she would gain weight being confined for so many weeks while she healed but it still stunk to hear she would have to lose so much weight. She also got news that one of her molars is infected and needs to be pulled. To top it all off she had to have a few vaccinations and get her nails clipped. Poor Bailey was very depressed, especially at hearing her figure needs work. She tried to cheer up by soaking up some Vitamin D in her favorite spot but Drew ruined that when he poked her in the eye. Poor sweet Bailey!
George and I are going on a ski trip Saturday and leaving Drew with both of his grandmothers. I know he'll have a great time, I'm just hoping I can have a great time without him. 7 nights! Ahhhh!!!! Wish me luck.