Monday, February 11, 2008

Fun Drew pictures

Drew moves the DVD's from their slots to the top of the tower, one of his favorite past-times.
Drew and his Grandma.
Drew plays with his Bee Bop Band, one of my favorite toys. I totally recommend it! The drum is filled with really cute instruments, all bug themed. So fun!
Drew gets wild playing with Daddy. I wish you could hear him, that's the best part! His laugh is contagious :)

We had a really nice weekend. George's Mom, Judy, is visiting and we've just been hanging out. Drew was invited to a birthday party for the first time and had a blast! It was at a bowling alley. The birthday girl turned 3 so most of the kids were older but Drew fit in just fine. His favorite thing was carrying the bowling balls around! He is ridiculously strong! We tried to keep him from carrying them around of course in fear of him dropping one on his toes. We weren't too successful though because there were balls everywhere, Drew's dream! He had cake, got party favors, the whole nine yards. He crashed as soon as we got in the car. I didn't have my camera at the party, big mistake. We could have gotten some really cute pictures!

A couple of cute things Drew has started doing....

- He smells flowers! And he doesn't just smell flowers, he sniffs, snorts, puckers his lips and really gets into it. It's pretty hilarious. He loves to smell the flowers in Pat the Bunny too. He starts sniffing as soon as he sees the book!
- He says "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" after drinking water like you would do after satisfying a deep thirst. Judy and I did that after we watched him take a big swig and he started doing it immediately. He kept taking small sips after that just so he could do it again!

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