Sunday, March 23, 2008

Dinner out with friends

Drew and Leia reach for the grapes. They both have big
appetites so it was a short lived snack.

Drew eats mushroom ravioli.

Leia eats mushroom ravioli.

Drew was bored after 2 hours at the restaurant so he was sucking on the wine cork.
Were we desperate or what?

Leia bored after 2 hours so she messed up her pretty hair do and played with my camera case.

We went to dinner last night with some friends - it was 6 adults, two 15 month olds and a 7 month old. We went to Magianno's and did family style dining so it was quite a long evening. The babies were so good and only got restless at the very end. Heck, we were there over two hours so I was getting restless too. Leia is a couple of weeks younger than Drew so they had a great time together at the table. We couldn't believe how much they ate! Mushroom ravioli was the favorite and they each ate 3 or 4 of them. They also ate grapes and bananas from home, lots of bread and everything else we had at the table.
I've gotta run because Drew is upstairs saying "Daddy" over and over. He started saying that recently instead of Dada and it's so cute! I don't want him saying that more than Mama though so I've got to go intervene.

Happy Easter to you!

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