Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Drew loves sitting at the table. He wants to eat there, play there or just hang out there!
He's making his cute truck noises in this photo.

Drew finishes his 75th lap around the kitchen and living room!
Just a picture to show how tall Drew has gotten. He couldn't reach the doorknobs a couple of weeks ago.
Drew and I at The Little Gym.
Drew eats bubbles at The Little Gym. The rest of the birds wonder what he's doing. Thanks a lot Bailey!

We're having a nice week so far. Judy stayed a couple of days and left yesterday. We enjoyed her company as always! We played outside for awhile last night and Drew imitated everything the older kids were doing. If one picked up a rock, he picked up a rock. If they threw it, he threw his and so on. It was quite precious! I guess he's heavy into the monkey-see, monkey-do stage. Drew has also become a little motor mouth :) He babbles non-stop. Reading books to him has gotten even more fun because he points to things he recognizes and "talks" about them. I'm pretty sure he thinks everything on four legs is a dog. He also thought a flying insect was a bird but that must be confusing to him so I said "good job!" He didn't even finish his milk last night before bedtime because he kept taking it out of his mouth to help me read Even Firefighters Hug Their Moms which is one of my favorite books by the way! There is a dog and truck in that one so he was busy! I taught him the word "car" and he combined truck and car to form his own word - "carck." Guess he thought that was easier. Oh well. I worked on Drew's baby book last night because I've gotten so far behind on that. How do people do it with baby #2 or #3? It's hard enough with one kid. Drew has gotten so many teeth lately and I couldn't remember the correct dates to use. I had to look at old photos for help. It's not perfect but hopefully I was close.

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