Sunday, July 6, 2008

Chillin' on the couch wearing his Geaux Tigers visor we made at the 4th of July party.
On the way to Uncle Tom's birthday dinner. Yippie!

Big kiss from Aunt Cristie!
Family photo.
Me and the babies!

It's Sunday evening and we are lounging on the couch watching a movie. It was a busy holiday weekend for us. Yesterday I watched Whitley while Tom and Cristie went to a movie and then we all went out to dinner to celebrate Tom's 35th birthday. We went to downtown Durham and Drew really enjoyed exploring outside of the restaurant. He had a blast looking at people, running in the grassy areas, and watching the waterfalls. I was glad to see him burn off his fried Mac N Cheese wedges considering I felt guilty ordering that for him. I knew he would like it so thought it would keep him busy for awhile. It did!
George and 7 other neighbors decided to play golf this morning. Us Mom's didn't want to miss out on any fun so we planned a playgroup and then a trip to the mall for lunch. Drew was sweet as can be at the playgroup and didn't mind at all that most of the toys were girly. He managed to find one truck and he and another young boy were attached to it like glue. Luckily they played very nicely together. From the sound of things in another room, some of the other kids weren't in the mood to share and there was a little altercation surrounding a Barbie Doodle Pro. I remember seeing at least 3 or 4 other Doodle Pros but I guess there was something special about that Barbie one. The tantrums stressed a couple of the Mom's out and one ran to call the mall to see what time they open. She ran back in with a "We're in luck, they open at 11am on Sundays!!!" and everyone ran for the door. All of the kids seemed to be much happier once we settled in at the food court and filled our tables with burgers, fries and pizza. Ahhh, what full bellies will do for cranky kids (and Mom's)!

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