Sunday, July 13, 2008

My little flirt!

I was so happy when Friday rolled around, not because it was the start of the weekend but because Drew was finally feeling better. I wrote in my last blog that we thought he had a tummy ache from too many ravioli but found out he had a little bacterial infection from swallowing too much water at the pool. It wasn't the best few days around here! Poor Drew was clammy, extremely tired, and downright irritable. It worked through his system and by Friday afternoon he was in great shape and back to being our happy boy! George and I were relieved because we had a date planned for Friday night and didn't want to leave Drew with a babysitter if he wasn't feeling well. Things went great with the sitter and we're pretty sure Drew is in love!!! He didn't even know I existed once sweet Jillian walked in the door. He batted his eyelashes at her, showed her every single toy in the house and begged her to carry him around non-stop. She is the tiniest young girl I've ever seen so I was worried she wouldn't be able to lift him. She assured me it wasn't a problem but I wouldn't be surprised if her back hurt all weekend. We saw her at the pool this morning and Drew recognized her right away and did his flirting routine again! She went on and on about how sweet, cute and fun Drew was and it really made me proud. I knew they would get along well when Drew pulled out his Cars book and she asked him about Mater, Sally and all the other characters. We'll definitely call her to babysit again. The rest of the weekend flew by with trips to the pool (we did a much better job of making sure Drew didn't swallow any water!), dinner at our neighbors and a barbecue with the Mom's club this evening. One of the highlights of the weekend was going down the water slide at the pool and seeing my Drewby at the end. He got so excited about George and I going down the slide. He would raise his arms up and scream with delight when he saw us fly down. And I mean fly down! They must have waxed it since the last time because I don't recall almost soaring off the side. One more thing, I got my hair chopped off as you'll see in the photos. I can't believe it keeps getting shorter and shorter! My stylist raised her prices so maybe she wanted me to get my money's worth?
Here's a few pictures from the weekend...

Drew loves giving kisses! He makes a cute "mmmmm" noise when he leans in because he hears me do that. Sweetie!

Yummy ice cream sandwiches at Andrea's house!

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