Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Dinner and a movie... sort of

We have had a nice week so far! Judy came to visit and Drew was very happy to see his Grandma! We went to the pool and Drew showed off his skills for her. It's a family joke that I can't swim worth a toot so Drew must have gotten his love for the water from George. We also did some shopping and went to a delicious dinner at Magianno's and ate family style (aka: the food keeps on coming!). We ate like pigs and Drew must have had one too many ravioli because he was up crying all night. We assume he had an upset tummy. We were all exhausted this morning but Judy went home as she had planned and Drew and I kept our promise to attend Bee Movie with the Mom's Club at our local theater's Family Fun Festival. They are right about the "Family" part but the "Fun Festival" portion was a joke! We pulled up to the theater fifteen minutes early and couldn't find a parking place. I should have turned around and went home but figured what did I have to lose, it was a free movie after all. Turns out, I lost my patience, my mind, a sippy cup and came close to losing Drew two or three times. Every screen inside the multiplex was playing Bee Movie so when one theater filled up, they directed the herd to another one. Can you picture the chaos? I was sweating and annoyed by the time I ordered our $1 popcorn and drinks and then found our friends. Things seemed to settle down when the movie started and all was well for about 45 minutes. Then the audience started getting restless and while some kids were crying, many others headed for the empty space right in front of the screen. I didn't understand the fascination but there must be something fun about running in the dark. Drew was part of the pack of course and I had a hard time keeping my eye on him. I was more than relieved when the film ended and we headed for the door. Little did I know the fun wasn't over! It took ten minutes to make our way through the jam-packed lobby to the front door and by that time Drew was exhausted from all the "fun" and lack of sleep so things started to get ugly. I've never been so happy to see the Volvo and Drew must have felt the same way because he fell asleep immediately. He's been in a good mood ever since and we had a fun afternoon coloring and playing with his new Cars interactive books from Grandma. Oh, and I gave him a haircut! Busy day!
George, Drew and Grandma watching Cars. Drew loved it!
Drew doing some crafts today. He enjoyed coloring but was thrilled when I gave him a stack of old address labels for decorating his paper.
Drew was desperate for a haircut so here we are at Styles by Stacy!
Photo of my salon :)
Drew points to CC during our first live video! I got my Daddy a web cam for Father's Day and we finally got everything all all set up. What fun! Drew said "CC" perfectly clear and pointed at her!!!

Video of a favorite new activity - paper airplanes!!! Drew digs it!

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