Thursday, January 31, 2008

Drew, a girl?

Serious Drew. Maybe he's contemplating a big decision...Do I play the Sesame Street record? Hand it to Mommy? Throw it? Continue to hold it? Hmmmm.
Drew and I went to the mall today which is always fun. He pushes the stroller filled with the diaper bag, my purse and any shopping bags while I walk next to him looking like a fool. I don't get the obsession with pushing things but like a lot of babies, Drew lives for it. He rearranges our furniture on a daily basis. It's helpful when I'm cleaning under the kitchen table (after every one of his meals) and he moves the chairs for me. Speaking of helper, Drew is quite useful around the house. He helps with laundry by moving clothes from the washer to the dryer and he puts the clothes away as well if I show him which drawer they go in. He loves the positive reinforcement from me and I enjoy watching him do it (even if it takes 20 minutes to transfer laundry one sock at a time). So back to our trip to the mall....Two associates at Macy's thought Drew was a girl! Come on, he doesn't look like a girl! I know his hair is curly and in need of a haircut but his face and clothes scream boy, not to mention his personality. A few comments from them were... "How old is she? She's having a good time girl! Does she always smile like that? Oooooooh, she has teeth!!!! Keep her over there, don't need those teeth on this side of the counter." I need to stop there - did they think Drew was going to bite them? He's not a Pit Bull. Thinking he is a girl didn't bother me but the teeth reaction kind of weirded me out. Anyway, we took our socks (for George since four pair are missing a mate since I started doing our laundry) and headed for the food court. The folks at Chick-Fil-A are always happy to see Drew and aren't bothered by his teeth one bit.

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